welcome to wolfsite! this is where I post things that I am working on, or talk about things that I am interested in. I created this website so that I can express myself without pressure from others and without the limitations of social media. I believe that as an internet community, it is much healthier without profit driven companies snuffing out freedom of expression and long form content. better online relationships start with one-on-one conversations and interactions. my hope is that my website will help promote this!

thanks for stopping by my corner of the web!

the main things I talk about are undertale, deltarune, and my current hyperfixations! I also created this website so that I can share things that I make, such as drawings and music. I joined neocities in november of 2022, and had no knowledge of html prior to making this website. this is one of many versions of this website, so the format is likely to change again. I'm likely going to display old versions of the site on a webpage when I get around to it. for now I hope you enjoy my digital realm.

doodle of two dogs cheerfully playing with a butterfly