This page is dedicated to my boyfriend Rey!

I absolutely love spending time with you, and I'm so happy that you're in my life. You're the sweetest person I know, and I look forward to seeing you as often as I can. Every moment that I have with you is my favorite. To reference Pulp Fiction, the test of a true bond with someone is being able to sit with them in comfortable silence. I can happily say that we have had many moments such as these. And to quote Hannibal, "I have let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare gift." However to me, the true gift is the love and appreciation you have shown me, not just to what everyone sees, but to every part of me. I feel comfortable letting you see me for my entirety, exposing my soft underbelly to the mercy of your touch. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend and partner. I love you wholly in softness and in strength, and I'm with you until the end of the line ♥

I am to Rey as...

Hannibal is to Will
Steve is to Bucky
Herbert is to Dan
Light is to L
Rouxls is to Swatch
Kris is to Susie
Fluttershy is to Applejack
Abed is to Troy
Cold is to Hot
Bad is to Good
Dusk is to Dawn
Twink is to Bear
Yapper is to Napper

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