My eyes flutter open as I awake from a deep sleep, my muzzle stretching into a huge yawn, my tongue unfurling as my legs stretch outward into the plush comforter, sunlight shining through the partially curtained window, dappling over the soft fur lining my body.

 After sitting for a couple minutes, I finally slide my legs off the bed, my paws thumping softly onto the hardwood floor. My stomach grumbles hungrily once my body shows signs of being awake. My eyes are still drooping from sleep.

 I pad over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom, removing my thin cotton bed shirt and boxers and starting the shower. The shower water patters mildly into the tub. It is a quiet morning.

 While the temperature of the water adjusts, I start brushing my teeth, the paste covering my small, sharp, teeth. Pluhh.. Into the porcelain sink.

 Stepping into the shower, the water seeps into my fur, slowly warming my body. It sends a shiver down my spine to the tip of my tail, which is swaying idly. Droplets shimmer at the tips of my fur, before dropping to the tub in a rhythmic patter.

 Soap comes to a lather easily, quickly scrubbing and rinsing it from my fur, the texture now matted to my skin. The air inside the bathroom is warm but the water sticks to me, and I make a hasty effort to shake it off, before scrubbing myself down with a towel. I’m still a little damp, but it’ll do.

 I sit down on the fuzzy bath mat, fuzz meeting fuzz. It tickles. Gripping my clippers in my left paw, I slip my pawpads through the loop and slowly make progress clipping my legs. Snip… snip… snip… the soft thick fur falls in clumps onto the smooth, cool, tiled floor. Afterwards, I shave it in long smooth strokes. The texture left behind is less of that of human skin, and more so a thin fuzz invoking the fur that once was present. After shaving my arms and legs, I get up and stretch. I had let my fur grow out for a while now and I needed a change.