dog with a blog!

thoughts and ramblings of a sometimes smart, sometimes foolish dog guy on the internet.

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 April 5th, 2024

This blog entry is dedicated to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes from Captain America! Ever since my boyfriend had me watch the movies I've become super attached and interested in their story. Knowing me and knowing how I analyze media, it should come as no surprise that I see these two as gay. Them being friends way back before Steve's transformation and before Bucky entered the war himself. Bucky defending Steve in his street fights, being by his side and supporting him even though he can't enlist. Even on their double date together, there's clearly more of a connection between those two than with the girls that they went out with. (Steve is however, inept at speaking to women. Poor guy).

Later on, Steve leads an entire operation to rescue one of the lost military teams because he remembers that Bucky is there. He risks his life to save him and to prove himself. Don't even get me started on Winter Soldier!! The fact that Bucky was brainwashed for so long and all it took to sow the seeds of doubt was seeing Steve. Or how Steve said he wanted to date someone with similar life experiences, when the only person who has experienced something like him is Bucky. Hell... Bucky saying to Steve before "Sometimes I think you like getting punched" and then Bucky later punching his brains out. After grabbing him up in the air by the ass and then slamming him down on the ground before mounting him and saying "You're my mission" before beating him up. Like damn. Can't believe that they put gay porn in a Marvel movie (jokin).

CIVIL WAR- forget it!!! Steve risks everything he has and his entire identity as Captain America to save Bucky and protect him. Symbolically dropping his shield MULTIPLE times in order to display his loyalty to Bucky. What a buncha faggots. I love those two. Anyways... guess I'm offically a Captain America fan guys. Thank you Rey ♡

photo of bucky barnes looking very hot

 December 31st, 2023

Last blog of 2023! Looking back on the year, I can't remember a lot before this summer if I'm being honest. I feel like I've grown a lot as a person and learned a lot about myself in that time. Before this summer, I would have had a lot of difficulty describing myself, but now I can confidently say who I am and how I act and think, and I feel much more confident in myself. Character development! I definitely have room to improve; (ie. learning to take care of myself better, building healthy routines, engaging in extracurricular activities) but I'm very proud of the progress I've made, and I'm looking forward to the future! Last year the very first thing I listened to when it hit 12 am was Megalovania, so I'm going to try to continue that tradition this year lol. I'd also like to play undertale leading up to the new year since it has been so long, so we'll see.

Another update since my last blog entry is that I've been REALLY loving Re-Animator as of late. I got to meet Jeffrey Combs in person at GalaxyCon with my best friend Joey and his friend!! It was quite literally the best day of my life. I'm so greatful to have such wonderful supportive people in my life that care about me and share interests, ideals, and passions. Having such people in my life has made my head so much clearer and washed away my worries. My future looks bright. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys. And thank you Neocities! Every interaction I've had on here as been so positive and this really has been the best place to find people like me.

Until next year ♥︎

 August 11th, 2023

I've been thinking a lot about how I want this website to look and how I feel towards it, and I've come to terms with the fact that the theme is probably going to change a lot. I've been gradually getting better at coding, and with that I have customised more things outside of the standard format.

I tried to make it so that this layout can be changed a lot without scraping the whole framework. (It's a struggle because I'm a big perfectionist), but at the same time I love creating things and making things interesting and not.. well.. boring I guess! So moving forward, instead of apologising for all the changes, I've accepted that this will always be a work in progress. I save my old code, so I may keep screenshots and display old versions in the future as well.

The main takeway here is, do want you want with your stuff! Be consistant if you enjoy that, or don't if you don't! If you want to make your site messy, make it messy! If you want to use free website formats that others have made, go for it! (They can be a big help with learning to code, and I'm sure they prevent many from giving up or stealing code)

As people learn and grow, things change. Let other people do their thing, and don't judge yourself or others to conform OR stand out. It's the web! Do what you want with it :3